Atari Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy – Insert Pitfall Reference Here

You know those friends that you used to hang out with all the time when you were kids, now just see every once in a while during the holidays?  For some gamers  on the console front that was Atari.  Even…

Sony’s VP of Awesome Settles Lawsuit Over Bridgestone and Mario Kart

Everyone loves a funny television commercial.  Regardless of what it’s advertising, humor holds people’s attention.  This is doubly true when the subject matter is of your interest.  So a few years ago when Sony presented Kevin Butler as their “Vice President of…

Australia Classifies their Very First R18+ Game with Ninja Gaiden: Razor’s Edge

In the United States, we have a video and computer games rating system that makes sense.  It’s managed by the ESRB, and from eC (early childhood) to AO (adults only) the range of ratings make it pretty easy to know…

Does Sony’s PS4 Sound the Death Knell for the Used Games Market?

When I was younger, maybe back in college or so, video games were sometimes a little cost prohibitive to buy.  $50-$60 bucks a pop for games for our favorite consoles was a little steep for us that had an income…