Tushar Nene
379 Articles3 Comments

Author and creator of Technical Fowl. IT/Tech hero. Jiu Jitsu brown belt. Enjoying the venn diagram intersection of tech, gaming, business, and politics.

09. for those about to rock

WE SALUTE YOU (sorry, had to be done). by now i’m sure all of you, regardless of your gamer or geek status, or lack thereof, have spent some time in the world of console game rock.  by this i mean…

08. common damn sense: social networks

there are a lot of things social networks, specifically facebook, can be reasonably used for – reconnecting with people you haven’t talked to in a while, planning events, sharing pictures, keeping in touch with family, taking meaningless quizzes, and as…

07. apple vs google via htc

lawsuits are always a good time (as long as you’re not involved, of course). patent lawsuits – even better. tech patent lawsuits – main events announced by bruce buffer in the octagon. let me preface by saying this – patent…

06. why your IT department hates you volume I: social swiss army knife theory

first in a series.  “volume I” because i’m provided with a near infinite supply of ammunition.  but this one is just a primer.  things you (should) already know, to get you started. the fact that a large percentage of people…

05. common damn sense: leggo my lego

there are a lot of times i see news stories that really makes me question humanity’s future, mainly because of the leadership of the present.  i fully understand that the world isn’t a very friendly place, but there are certain…

04. review – darksiders: wrath of war [x360]

war, carnage, a game flying high on borrowed wings. “borrowed wings” does not necessarily mean ripoff.  there are a lot of themes in darksiders that seem to have been drawn from other games, but it works to achieve the desired…

03. review – bayonetta [x360]

ok, finally got to play the copies of bayonetta and darksiders that have been sitting next to my 360.  i’ll start with bayonetta today, and get to darksiders later. i’ll admit, i’m a little biased on this one – i…

02. google’s china syndrome, and my favorite toy from CES ’10

to start with a more serious topic, we turn to china.  as you may or may not know, google shared news of a cyber attack on their chinese infrastructure in december.  newer reports indicate that this was not just a…

01. greetings

yeah that’s right, another blog. there were over 15 million active blogs in 2009, so i figured i should get in on this while it’s still emerging technology.  being on the ground floor of something like this is really exciting.…