Console Decision 2020: Sony or Microsoft?

Sony finally broke their silence today – now that we have the data, which 2020 console is for you?

Can COVID-19 be slowed using online game behavior? Researchers study Warcraft‘s Corrupted Blood Incident

2007 research on the on the 2005 Corrupted Blood Incident are helping us now in 2020.

World of Warcraft: Why I Decided to Play a Void Elf

I know plenty of folks that have multiple max level characters on both factions in their illustrious World of Warcraft careers. I just don’t have the time or patience though. To do evvvveeerryyyyything over and over again up to max level on…

Technical Fowl’s Stranger Things Season 3 Manifesto [HEAVY SPOILERS]

Spoiler season is over, and we had some thoughts on Stranger Things Season 3.

Done with Fighting Games

[Originally published on Sub Cultured as The Aging Gamer: Done with Fighting Games?] You can count on my having been an all purpose nerd for pretty much my entire life – to the tune of getting the call at age 10…

We May All Be Computer Criminals Soon: The CFAA and the Power to Destroy

We can’t wait for tech savvy legislators because we’re so done