Seriously, I’m surprised Microsoft didn’t call their new console the Xbox 180, because that’s what they’ve been doing since their next console’s big reveal. Which is both good and bad really. Good in the sense that they’re actually listening to…
Microsoft Backpedals on Xbox One DRM Policies
Backpedal (verb): to retreat or move backward. Last night the internet saw Microsoft go into full backpedal mode on their DRM practices for the upcoming Xbox One in a post on their site titled“Your Feedback Matters – Update on Xbox…
US Military Ready to Court Martial the Xbox One
Remember a while back when former Xbox director Adam Orth put his foot in his digital mouth, tweeting to us all that if there is an always on connection (of course before they confirmed it) that we can all #dealwithit? As…
Xbox One Update – The Whole Internet Connection Thing
** Updated Info on the Xbox One and internet connections ** In my earlier post talking covering the big Xbox One reveal today, I got a little bit into the whole always on issue. From those who had hands-on experience…
Microsoft Creative Director Doesn’t Deny Always-On Rumors, Tells us to #dealwithit
Remember when I told you kids about the rumor that the next iteration of the Xbox console would require an always-on connection? Even after those rumors have spread like wildfire, drawing a collective “WTF guys?” from the gaming community, Microsoft is…
EA’s Bad Week – the SimCity Saga Thus Far
By now you kids know how I feel about always-on DRM. It makes me angry. It makes the fire burn in me belly. And worst of all, it’s a trend that shows no sign of slowing down in the near…
Always-On Rumors True? Xbox May Follow Suit in Blocking Used Games
Now that Sony’s PlayStation team is a couple weeks out from what I think will be the PlayStation 4 reveal, It looks like it’s Microsoft’s turn to continue churning the rumor mill. A while ago you’ll remember that we talked…