Blizzard’s insta-ban of Hearthstone grandmaster Blitzchung comes with dubious Chinese politics.
Technical Fowl’s 2018 April Fool’s Roundup
Everyone loves a good joke, and over the years April Fool’s Day has brought us some great jokes and bits from a number of sites around the web. It’s come to be something we all expect on April 1st, especially…
Diablo III’s Darkening of Tristram Event Back for More
This old man remembers playing the first Diablo back in high school (yes, this is literally old school for me), when choices were relatively simple and technology was relatively basic. You had 3 classes, 6 equipment slots, a small inventory, and…
Diablo III’s 3rd Birthday Party? Totally NOT the Cow Level
Happy Birthday Diablo III! Blizzard’s latest installment in the demon-slaying action RPG series turned 3 this past weekend, and they decided to do something a little special for D3 players by addressing all things bovine and the secret cow level.…
Warlords of Draenor – The Project Manager’s Addiction
Every WoW expansion pack that has been released over the past few years was shipped with its own personality. Over the classic “vanilla” build of the game, Burning Crusade was markedly more difficult but had a lot of good content on your way to…
The e-Sports Boy’s Club: Hearthstone, the IeSF and Gender Segregation
I’m surprised at how long it takes for some companies to learn that the internet is a thing now, and that a good action should be executed before fan or customer backlash forces them to. This is the case of the…
PAX East 2014: In-Depth with Blizzard
PAX East had a lot of great things to see all over the huge show floor at the Boston Convention Center – enough to confuse a person about which booths to hit first and which games to demo. Luckily for…
User Agreements are Long and Boring, but Sometimes EULA Get Rewarded
You guys know I always try to have your back on the technical front. Whether it’s just some advice on new tech that’s coming out, game previews, tech law or tips on keeping your digital life safeguarded, I like helping…
Gear and the Value of Time in World of Warcraft [tf charts]
I’ve got part III of my Windows 8 series pretty much buttoned up, but figured I’d get this in before I get to my final thoughts on the OS. Today I logged into World of Warcraft after a long while, and…
Death, Taxes, and Diablo III
As I have spent the majority of my 30 years in the Philadelphia area, it’s only appropriate that I start with some words from the greatest Philadelphian in history, Benjamin Franklin. He did a lot of great things, mainly illustrating…