Today’s chart is more of a comparison – 1980’s military fiction vs present day mobile tech reality. I can’t even remember what I was looking for online when I stumbled onto a War Games fansite and became nostalgic. So here’s the result.
This morning we learned that Sprint users rocking the Samsung Galaxy S III are without one of their features thanks to an over-the-air security update. That update removes universal search functionality from their handsets. This is fallout from Apple’s patent lawsuit regarding universal search and their attempts to ban on Samsung’s Galaxy Nexus. The Nexus is apparently next, as Google and Samsung have reported an upcoming software patch to disable universal search on that model as well.
As I’ve always asserted, corporate patent wars ultimately hurt paying customers. This may only be one feature, and maybe there’s not a lot of people that use it, but what’s next?
Hi! Inside the patent's depiction, Apple takes note of that numerous portable games endure "inadequacies" because of touchscreen controls and clients needing to cover parts of the screen with their fingers. The joystick outline would offer an inherent arrangement and a distinct option for gaming adornments.Happy Good Day!
I read your post its great thanks. Waiting for more new update.