Geek Therapeutics offers help with mental health through gaming.
Bibisama Apparel – Unleash your Inner Dragon
2024 is the year of the dragon, celebrated by Bibisama’s themed bomber jacket.
PAX East Returns to Boston to Celebrate 20 Years
20 years after the first PAX show, they return to Boston for PAX East in March 2024.
Zenni Optical @ PAX East ’22
Zenni’s BLOKZ lenses protect from blue light without the amber
BenQ Gaming Monitors @ PAX East ’22
Some details on BenQ’s Mobiuz and Zowie gaming/e-sports monitors on display at PAX East
Stack Up Military Charity @ PAX East ’22
Stack Up military charity returns to PAX, breaking donation records and hitting the $1M mark in ’21.
Badges on Sale for PAX East 2022
PAX East 2022 Badges officially on sale today at 3PM Eastern
PAX East Returns to Boston for 2022
After the 2021 edition of PAX East became an online production for health and safety concerns, ReedPop announced this week that PAX East 2022 will return to a live show format at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center April 21st…
PAX East 2021 becomes PAX Online 2021
In light of ongoing public health concerns, ReedPop and Penny Arcade are turning PAX East 2021 into PAX Online 2021.
Ears-On Review: ASTRO.ID A40 TR Headset
If there’s one thing we can generally rely on as technology consumers, it’s that the current edition of the hardware that we have will soon be obsoleted and we’ll be reaching for our wallets to shell out for something new.…